[Evaluation of the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of fixed very low-dose perindopril/indapamid combination in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Results of a Czech and Slovak multicentric study].
To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fixed, low-dose perindopril (2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg) combination in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Secondary aim of the study was to assess the influence of this combination on basic echocardiographic parameters.112 patients (57% men, 43 women, mean age 52 +/- 13 years) with newly diagnosed mild to moderate hypertension, without left ventricular dysfunction. 55% of patients had at least one risk factor for coronary artery disease. The following parameters were studied: BMI, sitting and upright casual blood pressure, heart rate, main echocardiographic parameters and basal laboratory tests.Perindopril/indapamide treatment led already after 4 weeks to a significant blood (BP) reduction with most prominent BP differences at the end of the study (sitting BP 130 +/- 10/84 +/- 6 mm Hg vs. 153 +/- 10/97 +/- 5 mm Hg before the treatment). Normalisation of the BP was achieved in 76% of the hypertensives. Good response to treatment (decrease in systolic BP > or = 20 mm Hg and/or decrease in diastolic BP > or = 10 mm Hg) was reported in another 13% patients. Perindopril/indapamid treatment led to a significant decrease in interventricular thickness (10.7 vs. 10.2, P < 0.01) and to the improvement in the left ventricle diastolic function (E/A 1.06 vs. 1,14, P < 0.04). No significant changes in basal laboratory tests were reported during the study. Mild side effects were observed in a few patients.Fixed, low-dose perindopril/indapamide combination is a new and potent antihypertensive compound with very good tolerability without a negative influence on metabolic parameters. Perindopril/indapamide treatment resulted in the improvement of diastolic function and in the regression of the left ventricle mass.