J.L. Vossen and W. Kern, Introduction. S.M. Rossnagel, Glow Discharge Plasma and Sources for Etching and Deposition. C.V. Deshpandey and R.F. Bunshah, Evaporation Processes. P.P. Chow, Molecular Beam Epitaxy. R. Parsons, Sputter Deposition Processes. P.C. Johnson, The Cathodic Arc Plasma Deposition of Thin Films. K.F. Jensen and W. Kern, Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition. K.F. Jensen and T. Kuech, Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. J.G. Eden, Photochemical Vapor Deposition. L.C. Klein, Sol-Gel Coatings. R. Reif and W. Kern, Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition. G. Lucovsky, D.V. Tsu, R.A. Rudder, and R.J. Markunas, Formation of Inorganic Films by Remote Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor Deposition. T.M. Mayer and S.D. Allen, Selected Area Processing. H.W. Lehman, Plasma-Assisted Etching. P.R. Puckett, S.L. Michel, and W.E. Hughes, Ion Beam Etching. C.I.H. Ashby, Laser-Driven Etching.