In this work, we present a general purpose deep neural network package for representing energies, forces, dipole moments, and polarizabilities of atomistic systems. This so-called recursively embedded atom neural network model takes advantages of both the physically inspired atomic descriptor based neural networks and the message-passing based neural networks. Implemented in the PyTorch framework, the training process is parallelized on both the central processing unit and the graphics processing unit with high efficiency and low memory in which all hyperparameters can be optimized automatically. We demonstrate the state-of-the-art accuracy, high efficiency, scalability, and universality of this package by learning not only energies (with or without forces) but also dipole moment vectors and polarizability tensors in various molecular, reactive, and periodic systems. An interface between a trained model and LAMMPs is provided for large scale molecular dynamics simulations. We hope that this open-source toolbox will allow for future method development and applications of machine learned potential energy surfaces and quantum-chemical properties of molecules, reactions, and materials.