We thank Chandak et al. for their constructive comments on our recently published paper. Regarding their comments, we answer as follows: Points (1) and (5): This is correct. Comparing RLE and cataract eyes, as well as trifocal and EDoF IOLs, could cause a possible bias. This is why we included this as a possible source of error in the discussion. Point (2): The choice of IOL was made by the surgeon individually for each patient. However, we did not experience female patients being more critical regarding subjective outcomes and therefore cannot discuss this as a possible bias. Maybe the writers of the letter can provide us with a reference to support this. Otherwise, this is just an assumption that cannot be proven. Point (3): You are correct that our patients did not have a statistically significant difference in spherical equivalent; nevertheless, other referenced articles do report that this does influence satisfaction. We did not state that our results prove this but discussed this as a possible source of satisfaction in the discussion. Point (4): We agree that tables are important and should be used wisely. However, the reviewers of JCRS and the authors of the article found the presentation of the data to be suitable for publication, and although tables may be overwhelming at first sight, we believe them to be readable and understandable as they are.