Memory is greatly influenced by factors like food, stress and quality of sleep, hence present study was designed to evaluate the effect of Citrus limon and Pomegranate juices on memory of mice using Harvard Panlab Passive Avoidance response apparatus controlled through LE2708 Programmer. Passive avoidance is fear-motivated tests used to assess short or long-term memory of small animals, which measures latency to enter into the black compartment. Animals at MCLD showed highly significant and significant increase in latency to enter into the black compartment after 3 and 24 hours respectively than control, animals at HCLD showed significant increase in latency only after 3hours. Animals both at low and moderate doses of pomegranate showed significant increase in test latency after 3 hours, while animals at high dose showed highly significant and significant increase in latency after 3 and 24 hours respectively. There was highly significant and significant increase in latency in animals at CPJ-1 combination after 3 and 24 hours respectively; however animals received CPJ-2 combination showed significant increase in latency only after 3 hours as compare to control. These results suggest that Citrus limon and Pomegranate has phytochemicals and essential nutrients which boost memory, particularly short term memory. Hence it may be concluded that flavonoids in these juices may be responsible for memory enhancing effects and a synergistic effect is observed by CPJ-1 and CPJ-2 combinations.