Part 1 The Research Enterprise in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Then and Now Ch 1 Major Issues and Controversies in the Use of Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences - Charles Teddlie, Abbas Tashakkori Ch 2 Pragmatic Threads in Methods Research in the Social Sciences: The Search for Multiple Modes of Inquiry and the End of the Philosophy of Formalism - Spencer Maxey Ch 3 Making Parardigmatic Sense of Mixed-Method Practice - Jennifer Greene, Valerie Caracelli Ch 4 Cultural Distance, Levels of Abstraction and the Advantages of Methods - Fathali M. Moghaddam, Ben Walker, Rom Harre Ch 5 Methods and the Politics of Human Research: The Transformational and Emancipatory Perspective - Donna Mertens Part 2 and Analytical Issues for Methods Research Ch 6 A Typology of Research Purposes and its Relationship to Methods - Isadore Newman, Carolyn S. Ridenour, Carole Newman, George M. DeMarco, Jr. Ch 7 Principles of Mixed-and Multi-Method Research Design - Janice Morse Ch 8 Advanced Methods Research Design - John Creswell, Michelle Guttman, Vicki Plano-Clark Ch 9 Methods Design: An Alternative Approach - Joseph A. Maxwell, Diane Loomis Ch 10 Method Sampling Strategies in Social Science Research - Elizabeth Kemper, Sam Stringfield, Charles Teddlie Ch 11 Data Collection Strategies in Methods Research - R. Burke Johnson, Lisa A. Turner Ch 12 Tables or Tableaux? The Challenges of Writing and Reading Methods Studies - Margarete Sandelowski Ch 13 A Framework for Analyzing Data in Methods Research - Anthony Onwueghbuzie, Charles Teddlie Ch 14 Computerized Data Analysis for Methods Research - Patricia Bazeley Ch 15 Impact of Methods and Design on Inference Quality - Steven Miller Ch 16 Making Inferences in Methods: The Rules of Integration - Christian Erzberger, Udo Kelle Part 3 Applications and Examples of Methods Research Across Disciplines Ch 17 Methods in Evaluation Contexts: A Pragmatic Framework - Sharon F. Rallis, Gretchen B. Rossman Ch 18 Research Methods in Management and Organizational Research: Toward Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques - Steven C. Curall, Annette J. Towler Ch 19 The Status of Methods in the Health Sciences - Melinda S. Forthofer Ch 20 Status of Methods Research in Nursing - Sheila Twinn Ch 21 Methods in Psychological Research - Cindy Waszack, Marylyn C. Sines Ch 22 Multimethod Research in Sociology - Albert Hunter, John Brewer Ch 23 The Pragmatic and Dialectical Lenses: Two Views of Methods' Use in Education - Tonette S. Rocco, Linda A. Bliss, Suzanne Gallagher, Aixa Perez-Prado, Cengiz Alacaci, Eric S. Dwyer, Joyce C. Fine, N.Eleni Pappamihiel Part 4 Conclusions and Future Directions Ch 24 Teaching Methods Research:Practices, Dilemmas and Challenges - John W. Creswell, Abbas Tashakkori, Ken Jensen, Kathy Shapley Ch 25 Collaborative Mixed-Method Research - Lyn M. Shulha and Robert J. Wilson Ch 26 The Past and the Future of Methods Research: From Methodological Triangulation to Mixed Model Designs - Abbas Tashakkori, Charles Teddlie