Improvement of Critical Dimension (CD) accuracy is one ofthe most important issues for high-end reticle fabrication. Two major obstacles remain even after careftil CD optimization efforts. One is foggy effect, which is related to writing system, and the other is loading effect, which is related to dry etching mechanism. Both of two are strongly related to pattern layout and major causes to degrade CD uniformity and mean to target. To solve those problems, we have tried to apply foggy effect correction software tool on the JBX-9000MV developed by JEOL. At this time, we used Chemically Amplified (CA) negative tone resist with optimized process condition and exposure parameter such as Proximity Effect Correction (PEC). After careful examination, we confirmed that the software could eliminate CD error caused by foggy effect. Further, by optimizing foggy effect correction, we were quite successful to compensate CD error caused by loading effect too. In this way, we established high-end (l3Onm design rule) reticle production technique.