In this paper, a combined experimental and numerical investigation of free hydroforming of aluminium alloy tubes is conducted. The tubes are subjected to different loading histories involving axial compression and internal pressure. The circumferential and axial strains experienced by the tubes are continuously recorded along with the pressure and axial load. The numerical simulations are carried out using both 2D axisymmetric and 3D finite-element formulations by applying the experimentally recorded axial load and internal pressure. In the latter, a geometric imperfection is introduced in the form of wall thickness reduction at the tube mid-length in order to trigger necking which happens after significant bulging and beyond the stage of peak pressure. The strain histories and peak pressures obtained from the simulations agree well with those determined from the experiments. Further, the forming limit curve predicted by the simulations as well as from a M–K analysis incorporating the computed strain paths corroborate well with the experimental data. The role of nonproportional straining on the mechanics of failure of the tubes due to bulging and necking is studied in detail.