Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) has been proven to be effective in increasing yield potential, but lodging often limits its yield in high-yielding environments. This study was conducted to determine genotypic variation in lodging resistance and lodging-related morphological traits among hybrid and non-hybrid check varieties, and to identify the key morphological traits associated with lodging resistance. Lodging behavior of 16 rice genotypes, including 12 hybrids and four inbreds, was studied at the International Rice Research Institute farm during the 2004 wet season (WS) and 2005 dry season (DS). Grain yield and visual score of lodging were determined at maturity. Lodging-related morphological traits were measured at 30 days after flowering. Large genotypic differences in lodging-related morphological traits were observed. Among these traits, dry weight per unit length, breaking resistance, and lodging index (bending moment/breaking resistance × 100) of lower internodes were significantly correlated with visual score of lodging. Several hybrids demonstrated high lodging resistance although their average plant height was over 120 cm. The lodging-related morphological traits and visual score of lodging in these hybrids were comparable with those of the non-hybrid check varieties with strong lodging resistance. These results suggest that increases in dry weight per unit length and breaking resistance of lower internodes are primary targets for reducing lodging index, thus improving overall lodging resistance of hybrid rice in a breeding program.