Urea-N is ubiquitous in soils, having both natural and anthropogenic sources. The enzyme urease catalyzes its hydrolysis to NH3 and is produced by plants and many soil microorganisms, but there are growing concerns related to possible urea-induced eutrophication of surface waters proximate to agricultural fields. Agronomic research has focused on the relationship between urea hydrolysis and soil physical or chemical properties, rather than on direct measurements of the microbial community and its population diversity, especially using quantification of genes that code for urease. We quantified bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA, fungal ITS, and bacterial ureC gene copies as a function of physical and chemical soil properties. Soils were sampled from A and B horizons along a toposequence that comprised an agricultural field, a grassed field border, and a forested riparian zone in the Chesapeake Bay watershed of Maryland. The riparian zone soils contained the highest total number of genes among both A- and B-horizon soils. The soils were then experimentally altered in the laboratory to achieve a range of pH values between 3.1 and 7.1. Soil pH was chosen as a variable because it varies both naturally and due to agronomic practices, and it influences microbial community structure and function. Archaeal 16S rRNA extracted from the pH-adjusted soils did not show a consistent pattern of increase or decrease with changes in pH, while ITS was greatest at low pH and bacterial 16S and bacterial ureC were greatest at high pH. We measured higher urea hydrolysis rates and gene copy numbers in A-horizon soils than in B-horizon soils, and found that urea hydrolysis rate was significantly correlated with gene copies of bacterial 16S, ureC, and increased pH. This suggests that liming acid soils increases urea hydrolysis rates in part by encouraging the growth of microorganisms capable of producing urease.