In this article, we review the literature which proposes attacker-defender games to protect against strategic adversarial threats. More specifically, we follow the systematic literature review methodology to collect and review 127 journal articles that have been published over the past 15 years. We start by briefly discussing the common application areas that are addressed in the literature, although our focus in this review lies heavily in the approaches that have been adopted to model and solve attacker-defender games. In studying these approaches, we begin by analyzing the following features of the proposed game formulations: the sequence of moves, number of players, nature of decision variables and objective functions, and time horizons. We then analyze the common assumptions of perfect rationality, risk neutrality, and complete information that are enforced within the majority of the articles, and report on state-of-the-art research which has begun relaxing these assumptions. We find that relaxing these assumptions presents further challenges, such as enforcing new assumptions regarding how uncertainties are modeled, and issues with intractability when models are reformulated to account for considerations such as risk preferences. Finally, we examine the methods that have been adopted to solve attacker-defender games. We find that the majority of the articles obtain closed-form solutions to their models, while there are also many articles that developed novel solution algorithms and heuristics. Upon synthesizing and analyzing the literature, we expose open questions in the field, and present promising future research directions that can advance current knowledge.