The train operates in special environments such as large bridges and elevated viaducts. The fluctuations of the aerodynamic loads of the high-speed train (HST) are more intense and the possibility of the train derailment and overturning will increase when the train is running on the bridge under the crosswind. Thus, it is of utmost importance to study both the aerodynamic characteristics and the running safety of the train in this situation. This study uses the IDDES method to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the train running on the double track bridge in both up and down train directions at different speeds. The differences in the impact of aerodynamic loads on the train's dynamic response indicators are discussed using the wind-vehicle coupling dynamic response calculation method. Based on these researches, the operational safety of the train under different operating conditions is evaluated from both flow field and dynamic perspectives. The results show that large-scale vortices fall off from the nose of the train and form a larger vortex structure on the leeward side and when the train is running under the crosswind. Its aerodynamic loads fluctuate intensely with time due to the complex wake flow of the train. The dominant frequencies of the unsteady aerodynamic loads are mostly concentrated in the range of 0–5Hz, which is close to the natural modal frequencies of the train. This will lead to the overturning of the train due to vehicle resonance. The derailment coefficient and wheel load reduction rate of the train increase with the speed. Their peak values exceed the limit of 0.8 while the peak duration of the derailment coefficient is less than 0.05s, which means the state of the leeward wheel will recover from a short derailment. However, the duration of derailment increases with speed. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent accidents when the train is running at higher speed on the bridge to guarantee the operational safety of the HST.