The effects of sheet and network solid structures of similar TPMS scaffold architectures on permeability, wall shear stress, and velocity: A CFD analysis
Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) is known mathematically as a surface with mean curvature of zero and replicated in three directions infinitely. Providing the pore combination in porous structures with surface connections, they provide large surface areas. This study aims to determine the effects of the network solid and sheet solid structures in the three different TPMS architectures on bone regeneration. Evaluation is made for Diamond, Gyroid, and I-WP structures, which are widely preferred architectures in terms of mechanical strength. Scaffolds are modeled as both network solid and sheet solid unit cells with similar porosities (60%, 70%, and 80%). Flow analyses are performed with the Computational Fluid Dynamics method to determine of potential for bone cell development of scaffolds. The permeability, wall shear stress on the surfaces, and the flow velocity distribution of the scaffolds are obtained with these analyses. The permeability value of 18 scaffolds is between the permeability values determined for trabecular bone. The permeability of network solid TPMS scaffolds for the same architectures is higher than sheet solid TPMS scaffolds due to the low pressures generated. The maximum wall shear stress in scaffolds decreases as porosity increases. Since the maximum wall shear stresses occur in less than 0.1% area on the scaffold surfaces, it is more appropriate to examine distribution of these stresses on the scaffold surfaces. Sheet solid structures within TPMS are more advantageous for biomechanical environments due to their greater surface area at similar porosities, wall shear stress, and permeability values.