G. Gatti,J. Issing,Louk Rademaker,Florian Margot,Tobias A. de Jong,Sense Jan van der Molen,J. Teyssier,T. K. Kim,M. D. Watson,Cephise Cacho,Pavel Dudin,J. Avila,Kumara Cordero-Edwards,Patrycja Paruch,Nicolas Ubrig,Ignacio Gutiérrez-Lezama,Alberto F. Morpurgo,Anna Tamai,F. Baumberger
The recent observation of correlated phases in transition metal dichalcogenide moir\'e systems at integer and fractional filling promises new insight into metal-insulator transitions and the unusual states of matter that can emerge near such transitions. Here, we combine real- and momentum-space mapping techniques to study moir\'e superlattice effects in 57.4$^{\circ}$ twisted WSe$_2$ (tWSe$_2$). Our data reveal a split-off flat band that derives from the monolayer $\Gamma$ states. Using advanced data analysis, we directly quantify the moir\'e potential from our data. We further demonstrate that the global valence band maximum in tWSe$_2$ is close in energy to this flat band but derives from the monolayer K-states which show weaker superlattice effects. These results constrain theoretical models and open the perspective that $\Gamma$-valley flat bands might be involved in the correlated physics of twisted WSe$_2$.