Fabrication of wear-resistant PA6 composites with superior thermal conductivity and mechanical properties via constructing highly oriented hybrid network of SiC-packed BN platelets
Herein, a strong extensional and shearing field was introduced to construct highly oriented hybrid networks of silicon carbide (SiC)-packed boron nitride (BN) platelets to fabricate high-performance wear-resistant PA6 composites. Results show that in-plane and through-plane thermal conductivity (TC) of the prepared PA6 composites with a total filler loading of 20 wt.% reached 1.31 and 0.35 W/(m K), 352% and 25% higher than those of pure PA6, respectively. It is attributed to the highly oriented hybrid network that facilitates the formation of efficient thermal conductivity pathways. Temperature monitoring results during friction confirm that high TC favors the friction heat dissipation performance. Meanwhile, the yield strength of PA6 composites increased by 39.1% and they still have excellent ductility with an elongation at break of 207.1%. Finally, the wear rate of PA6 composites decreased sharply by 92.5%. This method can be used to manufacture advanced linear bearing and guideway parts, etc.