DBD low-temperature plasma (DLTP) is recognized as one of the most efficient technologies for treating cotton stalks. This study investigates the impact of various conditions on the gas production characteristics of cotton stalks (CS) and delves into the DLTP decomposition kinetics of CS and CSC in oxygen-enriched (30 % O2/Ar) and CO2 atmospheres. The decomposition rates of CS followed the order CO2 > N2 > Ar. The decomposition behavior of CSC in oxygen-enriched DLTP (30 % O2/Ar) aligned well with the chemical reaction model. The activation energies for CSC decomposition at 900 °C and 1000 °C were determined to be 23.8 kJ/mol and 33.8 kJ/mol, respectively. Moreover, the reaction rate decreased at higher carbonization temperatures, which proved to be detrimental to the decomposition of CSC. The DLTP decomposition of CSC in CO2 exhibited consistency with the fitting results of the unreacted shrinking core model, revealing an observed activation energy of 19.4 kJ/mol.