Microelectronic devices are developing rapidly in portability, wearability, and implantability. This puts forward an urgent requirement for the delicate deposition process of materials. Electrohydrodynamic printing has attracted academic and industrial attention in preparing ultrahigh-density microelectronic devices as a new noncontact, direct graphic, and low-loss thin film deposition process. In this work, a printed graphene with narrow line width is realized by combining the electrohydrodynamic printing and surface treatment. The line width of printed graphene on the hydrophobic treatment surface reduced from 80 to 28 μm. The resistivity decreased from 0.949 to 0.263 Ω·mm. Unexpectedly, hydrophobic treatment can effectively induce random stacking of electrohydrodynamic printed graphene, which avoids parallel stacking and agglomeration of graphene sheets. The performance of printed graphene is thus effectively improved. After optimization, a graphene planar supercapacitor with a printed line width of 28 μm is successfully obtained. Its capacitance can reach 5.39 mF/cm2 at 50 mV/s, which is twice higher than that of the untreated devices. The device maintains 84.7% capacitance after 5000 cycles. This work provides a reference for preparing microelectronic devices by ultrahigh precision printing and a new direction for optimizing two-dimensional material properties through stacking adjustment.