Lifestyle behaviors that reduce food and fat intake in patients with type 2 diabetes within 3 months of diagnosis lead to a reduction in the HbA1c level after 12 months
It is important to provide "Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support," the ongoing process of facilitating the knowledge, skills, and ability necessary for diabetes self-care, immediately after diagnosis. In this 12-month (12 M) longitudinal observational study, outpatients within 3 months of their first diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) were surveyed at baseline (BL) and 12 M using a self-administered questionnaire used in the "Lifestyle Intervention Support Software for Diabetes Prevention" and medical record survey. To explore factors associated with the change extent in HbA1c level during the 12 M post-diagnosis, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed with sex, age, HbA1c level at BL, medication in the first 12 M post-diagnosis, and lifestyle behaviors related to diet and exercise therapy as independent variables. The HbA1c level of the 89 participants was 8.4% ± 2.2% at BL and 6.7% ± 1.0% at 12 M. "ND06 I add milk to coffee or tea (reverse item)" (