Collembolans are one of the most diverse and abundant group of soil invertebrates. Recent studies have shown anthropogenic climate warming to alter Collembola diversity and density in warm-dry (more detrimental effects) and warm-wet (lesser detrimental effects) conditions. Besides the direct influence of abiotic stressors, shifts in food availability could help understand variable collembolan responses to climate warming. Collembolan diet is generally formed by two main groups of soil fungi: saprotrophic and mycorrhizal fungi, which occupy different spatial niches in the soil, and are simultaneously affected by climate warming and drought. These fungal responses to climate change alter food availability for Collembola, inducing shifts in their dietary composition. Collembolans preferentially consume saprotrophic fungi, regardless of their spatial niche. However, those inhabiting deeper soil layers occasionally feed on mycorrhizal fungi and rely more frequently on such diets when other food sources become scarce. We suggest that climate change-driven scarcity of saprotrophic fungal diets in soils would make collembolans depend more on mycorrhizal fungal diets. We then discuss how such dietary shifts are driven by distinct mechanisms in warm-dry and warm-wet soil conditions. We finally call for the use of emerging techniques (e.g., stable isotope analysis, molecular gut content) to quantify the diets of Collembola more accurately under different climate change scenarios, which will help us shed more insights on how warming and precipitation variability are going to alter Collembola-fungal trophic interactions in a changing world.