Mechanisms of conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes induced by extracellular polymeric substances: Insights into molecular diversities and electron transfer properties
Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has become a critical threat to public health. Activated sludge, rich in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), is an important pool of ARGs. In this study, mechanisms of conjugation transfer of ARGs induced by EPS, including tightly bound EPS (TBEPS), soluble EPS (SEPS), and loosely bound EPS (LBEPS), were explored in terms of molecular diversities and electron transfer properties of EPS. Conjugation transfer frequency was increased by 9.98-folds (SEPS), 4.21-folds (LBEPS), and 15.75-folds (TBEPS) versus the control, respectively. Conjugation-related core genes involving SOS responses (9 genes), membrane permeability (18 genes), intercellular contact (17 genes), and energy metabolism pathways (13 genes) were all upregulated, especially in the presence of TBEPS. Carbohydrates and aliphatic substances in SEPS and LBEPS were contributors to ARG transfer, via influencing reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation (SEPS) and ROS and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production (LBEPS). TBEPS had the highest redox potential and greatest lability and facilitated electron transfer and alternated respiration between cells, thus promoting ARG transfer by producing ATP. Generally, the chemical molecular characteristics and redox properties of EPS facilitated ARG transfer mainly by influencing lipid peroxidation and ATP, respectively.