Biologically treated coking wastewater (BTCW) frequently contains many kinds of refractory and toxic organic pollutants, which is far from meeting the discharge standard of GB16171–2012. In the present work, the peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation processes via Cu-doped LaFeO3 (LFC) prepared with Bis (hexamethylene triaminepenta(methylenephosphonic acid) (BHMTMP) as the complexing agent was first utilized to degrade BTCW. The degradation reaction rate constant (kobs) of LaFe0.5Cu0.5O3 (LFC5)/PMS for CODCr and NH3-N was 3.65 times and 3.63 times for LFO (LaFeO3)/PMS. Moreover, the kobs of LFC5/PMS system prepared using BHMTMP as the complexing agent surpassed that of the LFCC/PMS system prepared with citric acid (CA) as the complexing agent, and the former was 2.3 times and 1.8 times greater than that of the latter for the removal of CODCr and NH3-N, respectively. The leaching of Cu and Fe of LFC5 was much less than that of LFCC, the strong chelation performance of BHMTMP with various metal ions can greatly reduce the leaching of metal ions and improve the stability of the catalyst. Hydroxyl radicals, sulfate radicals, and singlet oxygen were generated in the LFC5/PMS system, with singlet oxygen playing a dominant role. HPLC, UV absorption spectra, and 3D-EEM fluorescence spectra were used to analyze pollutant components in BTCW before and after degradation, demonstrating the effective removal of certain residual contaminants. In addition, the degradation process of BTCW was modeled using a 3-factor-3-level Response Surface Methodology (RSM) model. RSM model fitted the true experimental results well. This research offers a new approach for the comprehensive treatment of BTCW to meet standard discharge requirements and promote a more cost-effective operating process.