Forest regeneration is a natural process of forest resource reclamation through production of young ones (saplings and seedlings). Tree species show variable regeneration potential in different associations and response to natural and man-made factors. Banj oak ( Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus), one of the important forest forming tree species in western montane Himalaya, is facing regeneration failure in different locations. The present study attempted to assess the population structure and regeneration of Q. leucotrichophora and associated tree species in five different stands (sites) of a less explored region (Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya). To investigate the phytosociological attributes, ten sampling quadrats (400 m 2 ) were laid in random sampling manner in each forest stand for surveying tree layer, 2 sub-quadrats (25 m 2 ) for saplings, and 5 sub-quadrats (1 m 2 ) for seedlings in each sampling quadrat. Among the studied forest stands, tree species richness ranged 8 to 11 (8.8±1.3), total stem density (ind/ha) 750 to 950 (846±85.6), and total basal area (m 2 /ha) 18.68 to 29.18 (24.1±3.9). Based on abundance data the banj oak showed ‘good’ regeneration statuses (density of seedling > saplings > adult trees) in all forests. The distribution of adult tree individuals into different size classes (DBH classes) also indicate ‘good’ regeneration pattern (higher density in lower size classes and gradual decrease in density towards higher classes or forming a reverse J-shaped pattern). However, majority of the banj oak associated species (e.g. Prunus cerasoides, Pyrus pashia, Rhododendron arboreum , etc.) represented ‘fair’ regeneration statuses (seedlings > or ≤ saplings ≤ adult trees). Overall, the results of this study shed light on the positive prospects for Q. leucotrichophora regeneration and the importance of sustainable coexistence between human communities and these vital forest ecosystems.