Hot crush injury is a kind of damage with high disability rate. Although some experience has been accumulated in diagnosis and treatment of hot crush injury over the years, its treatment is often not standardized and difficult to achieve a satisfactory therapeutic effect due to insufficient understanding of the particularity of hot crush injury wounds. In order to standardize the treatment of hot crush injury wounds and improve the treatment effect of hot crush injury wounds and the life quality of patients, the Burns and Trauma Branch of Chinese Geriatrics Society, Branch of Burn and Trauma Wound Repair Materials of Chinese Society of Biomaterials, and Wound Repair Professional Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association have reached a consensus on the causes, types, wound treatment, and precautions of hot crush injury based on the current situation and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of hot crush injury at home and abroad. It would provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of hot crush injury wounds.热压伤是一种致残率相当高的损伤,尽管多年来逐渐积累了一些热压伤诊治经验,但由于对热压伤创面的特殊性认识不足,治疗往往不规范,难以达到较佳的治疗效果。为规范热压伤创面治疗,提高热压伤创面的治疗效果和患者生存质量,中国老年医学学会烧创伤分会、中国生物材料学会烧创伤创面修复材料分会和中国医师协会创面修复专业委员会根据国内外热压伤诊疗现状和临床经验,在热压伤的致伤原因、损伤类型、创面处理及注意事项等方面形成共识,为热压伤创面的临床诊治提供参考。.