Ferli Septi Irwansyah,Elsa Awalia Lesmana,Efa Nur Asyiah,Ida Farida
期刊:Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols日期:2023-01-01卷期号:2569: 030021-030021
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that can be used as a learning media. AR can help students in describing 3D structures in chemical compounds. This study aimed to apply AR learning media to improve the ability of submicroscopic representation in the molecular hybridization concept. Determination of the sample used the pre-experimental method. This research was conducted in the fourth semester using a scientific learning model based on submicroscopic representation. Data collection techniques used the pretest and posttest questions with 20 multiple choice questions through the LMS (Learning Management System) application, observation sheets and student worksheets. The results of the data analysis showed an increase in learning using AR media. The t-test results of pretest and posttest obtained t-test signification of 0.000 <0.05 showed that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted and could be categorized as moderate with the N-gain value of 0.45.