Vitreoretinal mechanics plays an important role in retinal trauma and many sight-threatening diseases. In age-related pathologies, such as posterior vitreous detachment and vitreomacular traction, lingering vitreoretinal adhesions can lead to macular holes, epiretinal membranes, retinal tears and detachment. In age-related macular degeneration, vitreoretinal traction has been implicated in the acceleration of the disease due to the stimulation of vascular growth factors. Despite this strong mechanobiological influence on trauma and disease in the eye, fundamental understanding of the mechanics at the vitreoretinal interface is limited. Clarification of adhesion mechanisms and the role of vitreoretinal mechanics in healthy eyes and disease is necessary to develop innovative treatments for these pathologies. In this review, we evaluate the existing literature on the structure and function of the vitreoretinal interface to gain insight into age- and region-dependent mechanisms of vitreoretinal adhesion. We explore the role of vitreoretinal adhesion in ocular pathologies to identify knowledge gaps and future research areas. Finally, we recommend future mechanics-based studies to address the critical needs in the field, increase fundamental understanding of vitreoretinal mechanisms and disease, and inform disease treatments.