Environmental viruses in wastewater and sludge are widely recognized for their roles in waterborne diseases. However, previous studies mainly focused on RNA viruses, and little is known about the diversity of DNA viral communities and their driving factors in municipal wastewater treatment environments. Herein, we conducted a pilot study to explore DNA virus profiles in municipal wastewater and recycled sludge by metagenomics method, and track their temporal changes in northern China. Results showed that 467 viral species were co-shared among all the samples. We identified six families of human viruses with a prevalence of 0.1%, which were rare but relatively stable in wastewater and sludge for six months. Adenoviridae, Parvoviridae, and Herpersviridae were the most dominant human viral families in municipal wastewater and recycled sludge. A time series of samples revealed that the dynamic changes of human DNA viruses were stable based on qPCR results, particularly for high-risk fecal-oral transmission viruses of adenovirus, bocavirus, polyomavirus, human gamma herpesvirus, human papillomavirus, and hepatitis B virus. Concentrations of Adenovirus (5.39-7.48 log