Abstract It is showed how to generate and control the one‐way optomechanical steering in an optomagnomechanical system. In the scheme, the magnetostriction‐induced deformation displacement of a ferrimagnet couples to an optical cavity by radiation‐pressure interaction. The optical cavity resonates with the Stokes sideband of the laser drive field, leading to the optomechanical parametric down‐conversion interaction. The magnon mode resonates with the anti‐Stokes sideband of the microwave drive field, thereby cooling the mechanical motion. By adjusting the detuning between the magnon mode and the microwave drive field, we show the relative steady‐state population numbers of photons and phonons will be changed, therefore, the direction of the optomechanical steering can be controlled. The control of the quantum steering in this scheme does not require the introduction of additional dissipation and damping of the entangled parties, which means the one‐way steering can be generated with low mechanical damping, and has strong robustness against thermal noise. This finding may provide a novel platform to generate and control quantum steering in hybrid quantum system.