The list of organophosphate esters (OPEs) reported in the environment continues to expand as evidenced by the increasing number of OPE studies in the literature. However, there remains a general dearth of information on more recently produced and used OPEs that are proving to be emerging environmental contaminants. The present review summarizes the available studies in a systematic framework of the current state of knowledge on the analysis, environmental fate, and behavior of emerging OPEs. This review also details future directions to better understand emerging OPEs in the environment. Firstly, we make recommendations that the current structural/practical abbreviations and naming of OPEs be revised and updated. A chemical database (CDB) containing 114 OPEs is presently established based on the suspect list from the current scientific literature. There are 12 established OPEs and a total of 83 emerging OPEs that have been reported in human and/or biota samples. Of the emerging OPEs more than 80% have nearly 100% detection frequencies in samples of certain environmental media including indoor air, wastewater treatment plants, sediment, and fish. In contrast to OPEs considered established contaminants, most emerging OPEs have been identified more recently due to the more pervasive use of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) based approaches and especially gas or liquid chromatography coupled with HRMS-based non-target analysis (NTA) of environmental sample fractions. Intentional/unintentional industrial use and non-industrial formation are sources of emerging OPEs in the environment. Predicted physical-chemical properties in silico of newer, molecularly larger and more oligomeric OPEs strongly suggest that some compounds such as bisphenol A diphenyl phosphate (BPA-DPP) are highly persistent, bioaccumulative and/or toxic. Limited information on laboratory-based toxicity data has shown that some emerging OPEs elicit harmful effects such as cytotoxicity, development toxicity, hepatotoxicity, and endocrine disruption in exposed humans and mammals. Established, and to a much lesser degree emerging OPEs, have also been shown to transform and degrade in biota and possibly alter their toxicological effects. Research on emerging OPE contaminants is presently limited and more study is warranted on sample analysis methods, source apportionment, transformation processes, environmental behavior, biomarkers of exposure and toxicity.