Abstract Carotid stump is blind remnant of occluded proximal segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) that can become the potential source of embolism. Carotid stump syndrome is a potentially treatable cause of recurrent ischemic events in the carotid territory in the setting of occlusion of the ipsilateral ICA. It is thought to be caused by turbulent blood flow in the patent stump of the occluded ICA causing microemboli migrating in the brain through external carotid–ophthalmic anastomotic channels and retrograde flow. Here, we report a patient with known ipsilateral chronic ICA occlusion, who was on best medical management, presented on two separate occasions with recurrent embolic infarctions in ipsilateral carotid territory. She was diagnosed with carotid stump syndrome and treated through endovascular route with clinical and angiographic follow-up.