Color point tuning is an important challenge for improving white light LEDs. In this paper, the possibilities of color tuning with the efficient LED phosphor Sr1−x−y−zCaxBaySi2O2N2:Euz2+ (0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1; 0.005 ≤ z ≤ 0.16) are investigated. The emission color can be tuned in two ways: by changing Eu2+ concentration and by substitution of the host lattice cation Sr2+ by either Ca2+ or Ba2+. The variation in the Eu2+ concentration shows a red shift of the emission upon increasing the Eu concentration above 2%. The red shift is explained by energy migration and energy transfer to Eu2+ ions emitting at longer wavelengths. Along with this (desired) red shift there is an (undesired) lowering of the quantum efficiency and the thermal quenching temperature due to concentration quenching. Partial substitution of Sr2+ by either Ca2+ or Ba2+ also results in a red-shifted Eu2+ emission. For Ca2+ this is expected and the red shift is explained by an increased crystal field splitting for Eu2+ on the (smaller) Ca2+ cation site. For Ba2+, the red shift is surprising. Often, a blue shift of the fd emission is observed in case of substitution of Sr2+ by the larger Ba2+ cation. The Eu2+ emission in the pure BaSi2O2N2 host lattice is indeed blue-shifted. Temperature dependent luminescence measurements show that the quenching temperature drops upon substitution of Sr by Ca, whereas for Ba substitution, the quenching temperature remains high. Color tuning by partial substitution of Sr2+ by Ba2+ is therefore the most promising way to shift the color point of LEDs while retaining the high quantum yield and high luminescence quenching temperature.