In this preliminary note the authors describe a new technique consisting in the use of videoscopy as an aid in surgery for the placement of tissue expanders in a patient with sequelae due to burn scarring on the posterior thorax. The surgical steps are described, together with the technical details of the use of the videolaparoscopy equipment. The authors discuss the advantages of this new technique which permits the use of small routes of approach, perpendicular to the expansion area, thus, providing an excellent view with a minimal amount of trauma. The method prevents complications such as dehiscence with prosthesis exposure and hematomas. A precise dissection of the necessary area can be achieved by this technique, a process facilitated by the continuous expansion and bulging of the dissected area obtained by controlled injection of carbon dioxide. The disadvantages are the high cost of the procedure and the long surgical time. The authors emphasize the need for future rationalization of the indications and for an appropriate methodology for the procedure.