Herein, a simple and sensitive Cu2+-assisted fluorescence switch biosensor for the detection of coenzyme A (CoA) was proposed by employing nitrogen-doped carbon dots (N-CDs). N-CDs were successfully synthesized by sodium alginate and melatonin via pyrolysis. The as-prepared N-CDs were spherical with an average diameter of 2.8 nm and exhibited blue emission (λem = 480 nm, λex = 360 nm) with a high fluorescence quantum yield of 50.2%. The intense blue emission of the N-CDs could be effectively quenched by copper ions through the formation of the N-CDs/Cu2+ complex. With the introduction of CoA, a more stable CoA/Cu2+ complex formed, leading to the fluorescence recovery of N-CDs. Based on this strategy, CoA could be sensitively and selectively detected with a good linear relationship in the range of 0.02–5.00 μM and with a detection limit of 12 nM. In addition, this sensor was applied for CoA detection in human serum samples with satisfactory recovery. The results showed great potential towards advancing applications in CoA-dependent bioresearch.