Hybrid mobile robots with multiple locomotion modes are getting more and more popular in search and rescue (SAR) and explosive object disposal (EOD) missions because of their good terrain adaptability. Present researchers devote themselves to develop efficient and reliable transition method between different locomotion modes to make the hybrid robot more compact and flexible. In this paper, we present a novel transition mechanism for a hybrid wheel-track based on foldable rims. The wheel rim is cut into four segments so that it is foldable. And the transition between wheel and track is achieved by the folding or unfolding of the foldable rim. According to its geometrical property during the transition process, a single-freedom supporting spoke is proposed to drive the foldable rim’s transformation. We analyze the length and angle varying principles of the supporting spoke by utilizing the kinematic mode based on screw theory. According to above results, five different kinds of transition mechanism of the supporting spoke is designed, performance comparison among which is conducted by dynamic simulations. Two of the five candidate transition mechanisms are picked up for their smaller driving force requirements. Their 3D printing prototypes are also fabricated and experiments show that the hybrid wheel-track can switch between wheel and track successfully. Compared to most hybrid robots which have separate wheels, tracks and legs, this transition mechanism makes the robot own both compact structure and multimodal locomotion.