Objective Comparisons among studies involving the tongue base are limited by lack of a universal system for grading lingual tonsils. The authors propose a new standardized clinical grading system for lingual tonsil hypertrophy (LTH). Validation was assessed via an interexaminer agreement study. Study Design Kappa interrater agreement study. Setting Tertiary academic center. Subjects and Methods Video assessment: The proposed grading system consists of a 0‐to‐4 scale: 0 = complete absence of lymphoid tissue; 1 = lymphoid tissue scattered over tongue base; 2 = lymphoid tissue covering entirety of tongue base with limited vertical thickness; 3 = significantly raised lymphoid tissue covering entirety of the tongue base, approximately 5 to 10 mm in thickness; 4 = lymphoid tissue rising above the tip of the epiglottis, ≥1 cm in thickness. The vertical height of the tonsils is a clinical approximate. A teaching video demonstrated identification of this grading system. Fourteen trained otolaryngologists graded 20 video clips of the tongue base, recorded during flexible laryngoscopy. Live assessment: A second study was performed by 2 examiners directly examining the tongue base of 23 patients using flexible laryngoscopy. Results Video assessment: The overall Fleiss kappa statistic was 0.775 ( P <. 0001). This denotes substantial agreement. Live assessment: The overall kappa for nominal data was 0.8665 ( P <. 0001). This denotes near perfect agreement. Conclusion The substantial interexaminer correlation demonstrated during video assessment and perfect interexaminer correlation in live assessment indicate that the proposed grading system may be a valuable and useful tool in creating a common language to describe lingual tonsils.