Bulk silicon micromachined IR bolometer detectors operating at room temperature are presented. These devices are based on VO2 films typically exhibiting a thermal coefficient of resistance of the order of -3%/ degree(s)C. Detector sizes are 50 micrometers X 50 micrometers and 100 micrometers X 100 micrometers , and they are arranged in 1 X 64, 1 X 128 and 1 X 256 pixel linear arrays. A test bench for detector performance evaluation is described. The fabricated detectors exhibit responsivities of up to approximately 20,000 V/W, normalized detectivities typically exceeding 108 cmHz1/2 W-1, and response times typically below 20 ms, At 300 K and a frequency of 30 Hz, the noise equivalent temperature difference for these detectors is of the order of 3 X 10-2 degree(s)C. A bolometer simulation tool is also briefly described.