Serous cavity may be involved by any neoplasm, including very rare examples of involvement by central nervous system tumors leading to a malignant effusion. The serous cavity lining is rich in lymphatics with lymphatic lacunae opening directly through narrow gaps (stoma) in the lining. Carcinomas mainly metastasize to serosa via the lymphatic vessels, which may be blocked leading to effusion. Primary carcinomas of organs such as lung, intestines, liver, ovary, etc., lined by serosal membranes may spread by direct extension, resulting in malignant effusions. As standard of practice, unless specified, cytopathologic examination of serous effusions implies detection of malignant cells. As compared to a surgical biopsy from a small focal area of an extensive serosal surface, effusion fluid from respective cavity exfoliates the cells from the entire serosal surface with minimal chance of sampling artifact. Because of this, effusion fluid cytology generally provides a higher diagnostic yield as compared to biopsy of the serous lining, as demonstrated by some studies. However, various challenges related to effusion fluid cytology makes the interpretation of effusion fluid cytology a field with potential misinterpretations, especially for those without proper experience or training. Developing and following a methodical approach is important for appropriate cytologic examination of effusion fluids. Proper approach may achieve definitive interpretation even without ancillary tests. However, lack of appropriate approach and processing may introduce a significant variation in interpretation due to combination of well-recognized diagnostic pitfalls, which may lead to lower reproducibility and even serious misinterpretations. Current review discusses in brief appropriate approach to processing and evaluating effusion fluid cytology for metastatic carcinoma. At general level, this is comparable to that of other specimens; however, it is critical to modify with reference to the limitations associated with effusion cytology.