Overview. Part I: The Nature of Emotion. P. Shaver, J. Schwartz, D. Kirson, and C. O'Connor, Emotion Knowledge: Further Exploration of a Prototype Approach. N. Frijda, The Laws of Emotion. Part II: The Role of Cognition. S. Schachter and J. Singer, Cognitive, Social, and Physiological Determinants of Emotional State. C. Smith and R. Lazarus, Appraisal Components, Core Relational Themes, and the Emotions. Part III: Culture and Socialization. H. Markus and S. Kitayama, The Cultural Construction of Self and Emotion: Implications for Social Behavior. Part IV: Gender Differences: Evolution, Socialization, and Stereotyping. D. Buss, R. Larsen, D. Westen, and J. Semmelroth, Sex Differences in Jealousy: Questioning the Fitness of the Model. M. Robinson, J. Johnson, and S. Shields, the Gender Heuristic and the Database: Factors Affecting the Perception of Gender-related Differences in the Experience and Display of Emotions. Part V: The Social Functions of Emotions. D. Keltner and J. Haidt, Social Functions of Emotions at Four Levels of Analysis. P. Salovey, C. Hsee, and J. Mayer, Emotional Intelligence and the Self-Regulation of Affect. Part VI: Emotion and Social Cognition. J. Forgas and G. Bower, Mood Effects on Person-Perception Judgements. H. Bless, G. Bohner, N. Schwarz, and F. Strack, Mood and Persuasion: A Cognitive Response Analysis. Part VII: Emotion's Effects on Others. J. Coyne, Depression and the Response of Others. V. Christophe and B. Rime, Exposure to the Social Sharing of Emotion: Emotional Impact, Listener Responses and Secondary Social Sharing. Part VIII: Emotion and Facial Expressions. P. Ekman, W. Friesen, and S. Ancoli, Facial Signs of Emotional Experience. A. Fridlund, Sociality of Solitary Smiling: Potentiation by an Implicit Audience. Part IX: Shame, Guilt, Envy, and Jealousy. J. Tagney, P. Wagner, C. Fletcher, and R. Gramzow, Shamed into Anger? The Relation of Shame and Guilt to Anger and Self-reported Aggression. R. Baumeister, A. Stillwell, and T. Heatherton, Guilt: An Interpersonal Approach. W. Parrott, The Emotional Experiences of Envy and Jealousy. Part X: The Nature of Emotion, Revisited: The Case of Anger. L. Berkowitz, On the Formation and Regulation of Anger and Aggression: A Cognitive-neoassociationistic Approach. J. Averill, Studies on Anger and Aggression: Implications for Theories of Emotion.