Section I: Introduction Anatomical and Physiological Basis of Topical Therapy of the Mucosa: Elsner, P. Morphology and Physiological Changes of Genital Skin and Mucosa: Farage, M.A. Maibach, H.I. Section II: Topical Treatment of Impaired Mucosal Membranes Nasal Drug Delivery in Humans: Bitter, C. Suter-Zimmermann, K. Surber, C. Antimicrobial Topical Agents Used in the Vagina: Frey Tirri, B. Topical Therapy for Mucosal Yeast Infections: Summers, P.R. Anti-Inflammatory Treatment: Fistarol, S.K. Itin, P.H. Topical Antineoplastic Agents in the Treatment of Mucocutaneous Diseases: Grossberg, A.L. Gaspari, A.A. Section III: Consumer Products and Mucosal Membranes Diaper Area and Disposable Diapers: Erasala, G.N. Romain, C. Merlay, I. Products Used on Female Genital Mucosa: Farage, M.A. Lennon, L. Ajayi, F. Emollients on the Genital Area: Farage, M.A. Warren, R. Oral Care: Hitz Lindenmuller, I. Lambrecht, J.T. Section IV: Safety of Products for Mucosal Membranes Assessing the Dermal Safety of Products Intended for Genital Mucosal Exposure: Farage, M.A. Scheffler, H. Can the Behind-the-Knee Clinical Test be Used to Evaluate the Mechanical and Chemical Irritation Potential for Products Intended for Contact with Mucous Membranes? Farage, M.A. Miller, K.W. Ledger, W.J. Contact Sensitization in the Anal and Genital Area: Bauer, A. Oehme, S. Geier, J. Perceptions of Sensitive Skin of the Genital Area: Farage, M.A New Irritation Test Method: Behind the Knee and Mucosa: Ledger, W.J.