Construction and demolition waste is the major category of municipal solid waste that is important due to high volume and mass produced. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the quantitative and qualitative of construction and demolition waste in Yazd. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on a waste disposal site in Yazd in 2017-2018. sampling of the construction and demolition waste disposal site was performed for 12 months (Jul 2017 to Jul 2018). According to a researcher-made checklist, data on the weight, the density and volume of these wastes were collected. The descriptive statistics tests of data were processed in Excel software. 53,445 t of waste are annually generated in Yazd that the amount of cement and concrete, bricks, tile and ceramic (TC), ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, glass, plastic, wood, and are approximately 38%, 20%, 14%, 11%, 6%, 5%, 3%, and 3%, respectively. With regards to the high volume of waste generated and a remarkable part of the recyclable waste, urban planners should pay attention to the implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs.