Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) play crucial roles in promoting biofilm formation and contribute to electrochemical activities of biofilms in bioelectrochemical systems (BES). In this study, three stratified EPS fractions were extracted from Geobacter biofilms using EDTA-, ultrasound- and heating-based protocols and characterized with chemical, spectral and electrochemical analyses. Results suggested that, for Geobacter biofilms, ultrasound-based extraction protocol was more effective in EPS yield (62.1-66.5 mg C/g dry cell) than EDTA method, and had less cell lysis than heating method. The extraction methods greatly affected the proteins composition in the extracted EPS, indicated by the varied ratios of tryptophan/tyrosine protein-like substances. Electrochemical measurements demonstrated a good correlation between protein concentration and extracellular electron transfer function for both tightly-bound EPS and total EPS. This is the first study to extract and characterize stratified EPS fractions from Geobacter biofilms, and helpful for better understanding the function of EPS in BESs predominated by Geobacter.