Microorganisms are important players in the global methane cycle. Anaerobic methanogenic archaea are largely responsible for methane production, while aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, as well as anaerobic methanotrophic bacteria and archaea, are involved in methane oxidation. In anoxic wetland soils, methanogens produce methane, while methanotrophs act as a filter and reduce methane emissions. In the predominantly oxic upland soils, aerobic methanotrophs oxidize atmospheric methane. This review gives an overview of the diversity of methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms, highlights recent discoveries and provides information concerning their occurrence in soils. Recent findings indicate that the methanogenic and methanotrophic lifestyles are more widespread in microorganisms than previously thought, and that the metabolic versatility of some methane-cycling organisms is broader than known from well characterized cultivated organisms. It also turned out that the control of methanogenic and methanotrophic bacteria by oxygen is more complex than previously thought. The implications this finding may have for the life of these microorganisms in soils and on soil methane fluxes is discussed.