The kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta (Siebold et Zucc.)Planch ex Miq) has become a widely studied species in recent years due to its high resistance to low temperature and high content of health-promoting phytochemicals.The aim of this study was to verify the effect of pre-storage application of oxalic acid, salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid, calcium chloride (CaCl 2 ) and 1-methlycyclopropene (1-MCP) on quality changes of the kiwiberry cultivar 'Weiki' during cold storage.During six weeks of storage fruit firmness, titratable acidity and the total ascorbate content decreased from an average of 61 N, 1.5%, 857 mg kg -1 to 2.5 N, 1%, 380 mg kg -1 , respectively.Contrary, the soluble solids and the total phenolics content increased from an average of 0.30%, 73.5 mg kg -1 to 0.51%, 172 mg kg -1 , respectively.Application of 1-MCP clearly improved fruit firmness and inhibited the ascorbate loss.Compared to the control, the fruit firmness and total ascorbate content was higher by 50% and 13%, respectively.The acetylsalicylic acid treated fruit exhibited significant drop of phenolics as compared to the control.There was no significant difference in fruit total antioxidant activity determined immediately after harvest and at the end of storage (16.7 vs 17 mmol kg -1 , respectively).Fruit treated by salicylic acid, CaCl 2 and 1-MCP was characterized by a significantly higher titratable acidity compared to the control group.This study showed that the highest ability to maintain fruit quality during cold storage was exhibited by 1-MCP treated kiwiberry.