Quinones play important roles in biological electron transfer reactions in almost all organisms, with specific roles in many physiological processes and chemotherapy. Quinones participate in two-electron, two-proton reactions in aqueous solution at equilibrium near neutral pH, but protons often lag behind the electron transfers. The relevant reactions in proteins are often sequential one electron redox processes without involving protons. Here we report the aprotic electrochemistry of the two half-couples, Q/Q.- and Q.-/Q=, of 11 parent quinones and 118 substituted 1,4-benzoquinones, 91 1,4-naphthoquinones, and 107 9,10-anthraquinones. The measured redox potentials are fit quite well with the Hammett para sigma (σpara) parameter. Occasional exceptions can involve important groups, such as methoxy substituents in ubiquinone and hydroxy substituents in therapeutics. These can generally be explained by reasonable conjectures involving steric clashes and internal hydrogen bonds. We also provide data for 25 other quinones, 2 double quinones and 15 non-quinones, all measured under similar conditions.