In the current situation of many visually handicapped people worldwide, yet the corresponding number of guide dogs is quite rare. It activates the application of advanced technology to broaden their horizons and allow them to embrace the world. This paper will review the research state of the Guide Dog Robot (GDR) for people with visual impairment and present some views. According to the application scenes, we have divided the GDR into two categories: specific scene applicable type and universal scene applicable type, with the description of different performances under various scenes. Then the current research focuses are elaborated, including localization and navigation technology, recognition of traffic signs, human–robot interaction (HRI), speed coordination, and walking structure design. Subsequently, the studying directions and challenges of GDR are discussed, and collaborative human–robot mode is believed to become the research mainstream. Finally, we conclude this review and explain why few GDR has realized commercialization. The limitations of current studies and some recommendations for future research are presented.