Puckered Penta-like PdPX (X = O, S, Te) Semiconducting Nanosheets: First-Principles Study of the Mechanical, Electro-Optical, and Photocatalytic Properties
The atomic, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of penta-like two-dimensional PdPX (X = O, S, Te) nanosheets have been systematically investigated using density functional theory calculations. All three PdPX nanosheets exhibit dynamic and mechanical stability on the basis of an analysis of phonon dispersions and the Born criteria, respectively. The PdPX monolayers are found to be brittle structures. Our calculations demonstrate that the PdPX nanosheets exhibit semiconducting characteristics with indirect band gaps of 0.93 (1.99), 1.34 (2.11), and 0.74 (1.51) eV for X = O, S, Te, respectively, using the PBE (HSE06) functional, where PdPTe is the best material for visible-light photocatalytic water splitting. Our findings give important basic characteristics of penta-like two-dimensional PdPX materials and should motivate further theoretical and experimental investigations of these interesting materials.