Water leakage is a critical factor reflecting the structural safety of shield tunnels. Computer vision provides new opportunities to overcome the shortcomings of manual visual inspection and realize automatic detection of water leakage regions. In this study, we propose a leakage segmentation model with an encoder–decoder structure. The encoder adopts multi-branch convolutional attention for feature fusion, and the decoder adopts a lightweight design that only contains multi-layer perceptron. Standard convolution in multi-branch is decomposed to two depth-wise strip convolutions to realize lightweight design and extract strip-like features. Extensive ablation and comparative studies were conducted to test model performance. Test results show that our model achieves robust detection of water leakage under strong noise background, reaching an intersection over union of 90.75% with performance-computation trade-off. Consequently, the proposed method can be an effective alternative to the current visual inspection technologies, and provide a nearly automated inspection platform for shield tunnels.