The aim of this paper is to use numerical simulations to elucidate the effect of liquid–quay wall interaction on the seismic behavior of caisson-type quay wall subjected to real ground motions, assuming irrotational and inviscid flows. Three-dimensional, time-domain, dynamic analysis of a typical caisson-type quay wall is carried out using a coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme, and six real excitation records are applied as ground vibration. The geometric complexity in the bounded caisson–seawater–backfill/foundation system is handled in the finite element method (FEM) using deformable 3D mesh where each structural medium can be discretized independently. The performance of the present coupled numerical analysis approach is validated against available numerical predictions, exhibiting good agreement with benchmark data. The response is appraised in terms of excess pore water pressure generated in the porous media, soil–sea–structure's residual displacements, and induced hydrodynamic pressures during the earthquake excitation. The numerical procedure demonstrates that excitation frequency spectrum in different intensity altitudes plays a crucial role in the behavior of quay walls and special attention must be given to gain a better understanding on the dynamic responses of such coupled systems.