Superhydrophilic/superaerophobic CoP/CoMoO4 multi-level hierarchitecture electrocatalyst for urea-assisted hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media
Utilizing the thermodynamically favorable urea oxidation reaction instead of the anodic oxygen precipitation reaction is an alternative pathway for the energy-saving hydrogen production. Therefore, it is significant to explore advanced electrocatalysts for both HER and UOR. In this work, a dendritic heteroarchitectures of 2D CoMoO4 nanosheets deposited on 1D CoP nanoneedles (CoP/CoMoO4-CC) was fabricated as bifunctional electrocatalyst. 1D CoP nanostructure with fast charge transport pathways and 2D CoMoO4 nanostructure with large specific surface area and short paths for electron/mass transport. The unique morphology endows the superhydrophilic and superaerophobic properties, allowing for the rapid contact with the reactants and rapid removal of surface-generated gases. As a result, the CoP/CoMoO4-CC shows efficient bifunctional activity. This work offers a new avenue to rationally design bifunctional electrocatalysts for large-scale practical hydrogen production.