A group of white light‐emitting phosphors SrBi 2 Nb 2 O 9 : x Dy 3+ (SBN: x Dy 3+ ) are prepared by high‐temperature solid reaction. The crystal phase, morphology, and photoluminescence (PL) characteristics of the prepared SBN: x Dy 3+ are analyzed. The X‐ray diffraction results prove that the synthesized samples are pure phase, in which the shift of the main peak depicted that crystal interplanar distance decreases after Dy 3+ replacing Bi 3+ . The scanning electron microscope results show that the average crystal size of the sample is ≈1–10 μm. Energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy shows that the ratio of element composition of the SBN: x Dy 3+ is similar to the theoretical calculation. The PL excitation illustrates the excitation peaks mainly exist at 389, 399, 426, and 450 nm due to the transitions of Dy 3+ . For PL, the emission peaks of samples with different doping concentrations are centered at 479 and 573 nm. The ratio of yellow intensity to blue intensity indicates that Dy 3+ is located at a high symmetry site, which has the possibility to produce suitable white light. The Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage coordinates of the SBN: x Dy 3+ are located near the standard white light coordinate. All these results prove that SrBi 2 Nb 2 O 9 : x Dy 3+ can be a potential material in the white light application.