Freedom of design and the cost-effective production of structural parts have led to much research interest in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). Nevertheless, WAAM is subject to design constraints and fundamentally differs from other additive manufacturing processes. Consequently, design guidelines and supporting design evaluation tools adapted to WAAM are needed. One geometric approach to design evaluation is the use of a three-dimensional medial axis transformation (3D-MAT) to derive local geometry indicators. Previous works define the thickness and radius indicators. In this work, the angle between opposing faces and a mass gradient indicator are added. To apply the literature design rules regarding wall thickness, clearance, bead angle, and edge radius to specific geometry regions, features are classified by the indicators. Following a literature suggestion, wall and corner regions are differentiated by the angle indicator. An angle of 65° is identified as an effective separation limit. Additionally, the analogy of Heuvers’ spheres to the MAT helps estimate a limit of kH−1kH+1 for the mass gradient (kH: Heuvers’ factor). Finally, tests on example parts demonstrate the method’s effectiveness in verifying compliance to the specified rules. With a numerical complexity of O(n2), this method is more efficient than finite element analyses, providing early feedback in the design process.